Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Josiah is 4 months old today! It is so hard to believe how fast he is growing up! He is so much more interactive and fun now that he has come into his adorable little personality, but we still have yet to really get it on video. I know baby-doing-nothing videos are pretty boring unless you are the adoring parents--or at least that is what I always thought when someone would send me a video of their baby just laying there. I guess now it is my turn. We are really trying to get the roll-overs and the giggles on tape, but just haven't gotten our little man in performance mode yet. So here are a couple cutie-patutie, baby-not-doing-much videos for your viewing pleasure (or bordom).

This is so embarrassing! What I won't do to get my kid to giggle, huh? Imagine what I must have looked like...maybe next time Si can tape his weird mom acting like a goof-ball!