Here is a glimpse into play time at the Fields house. Josiah doesn't crawl yet but he can palm a basketball! Okay, not quite that, but we have brought out an assortment of balls and Si seems to be partial to the basktball at this point...or is it orange he's partial too? hmmm...
Josiah is doing much better for those of you who were worried. He was stricken with RSV + Sinus Infection + Ear Infection + Diarrhea + Diaper Rash...all at once. Poor little thing must have felt just awful but he was so brave! Besides being a little whinny, he was such a trooper! We have had breathing treatments and antibiotics for the last week and I think we are almost better. Still staying at home with him since he apparently is contageous until he is a-symptomatic as far as the RSV is concerned. That means no gym for now. Although I blame them anyway! When I brought Si to the doctor for this whole mess; she asked if Josiah had recently started daycare or something....hmmmm. Since we joined that darn gym I've been sick twice, Caleb once and low and behold, Si gets RSV. All those immunities, there is probably the equivelant of a force shield around the Fields house now. Nothing else is getting in here.
We have had a really busy February with work. Caleb and I are truely experiencing the "two ships passing in the night" thing for now as we finess our way through way too much work and not enough hours in the day. Thankfully we know this is a season (and a relatively short one) that we should be making our way diligently toward the end of. The light at the end of this tunnel is that my parents are coming for a visit next week and we have planned a date night and a work day (safety proofing and deep cleaning) into the weekend. Oh, who are we kidding, probably not the deep cleaning part so much, but at least we hope to be more organized and hope to alleviate some of the more glaring safety hazards in the house.
Here are some pictres of recent days. Does this look like a sick kid to you?! We hear veggie sticks (shown above) are the best finger foods because they are so easy to hold and then desolve in your mouth. True, unfortunately I like them too, and don't really need vegitable flavored potato chips
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