Si seems to be doing great! It is really fun to talk, sing and read to him. My mother and sister are so great at making up songs....that must be a learned skill that you develop with motherhood because I am a little rusty in the creativity department! I'll keep practicing.
We also got news the other day that "the ultrasound pictures were not clear enough" (says my nurse) and we need to go back (on April 13) for another altrasound. A little ensettling, but she assured us that there was nothing that they saw that was cause for concern, rather they just didn't get good enough pictures (maybe due to his position during the last ultrasound). Part of me is excited to get to see him again, but it is also unnerving to hear about anything even slightly out of the ordinary. I'll keep you posted.
I just copied one of the email updates I get each week so you could see baby's progress during week 22! We're flying here! I will try to copy one of these each week so you can follow along with me. The picture is always kind of cute.
Week 22: Get Moving--No ExcusesYour Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy --
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
22 weeks
Posted by Caleb and Anna Fields at 9:34 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Josiah David Fields
Posted by Caleb and Anna Fields at 6:11 PM 1 comments
Thursday, March 12, 2009
IT'S A BOY!!!!
I didn't want anyone to miss my story about finding out because they were trying to scan the blog to find out, so I decided to just lay the good news out there in the beginning! After almost 20 weeks of calling baby he/she we finally have our answer! And we couldn't be happier! As my father stated when we told him...we are really just concerned about his health and would be so happy with a boy or a girl...but a BOY is just a little bit BETTER!
We had been looking forward to this day happening on Wednesday. In fact we took the afternoon off work and planned to go out to an early dinner before youth group to celebrate our findings. I also had intentions of recording the whole thing via photo and video so that I could share our whole experience with you all. So we got to our OB's offce right on time and sat in the waiting room for about 40 minutes. Despite our embarrasment, we had a nice lady take pictures of us "anxiously waiting the big news". It's no surprise to you, I'm sure that several women laughed out loud at us and our "photographer" commented that this must be our first child. What's a little embarrasment in exchange for good memories?!
I had this whole thing planned that I was going to picture-introduce you to our doc (who was out delivering a baby that day, hense our 40 minute wait), take you on a tour of the office, and take both video and pictures to help you feel like you were there with us... but then our dreams were dashed and I lost my motivation.
We were escorted into the exam room and I inocently asked when the ultrasound takes place so I would know how much water to keep drinking (I was already at capasity). And the nurse gave us the weirdest look in the world, right before she informed us that they did not have us scheduled for an ultrasound on that day...and that the ultrasound tech had never ever in her career ever worked on a Wednesday: Someone screwed up and I so badly wanted to take it out on this flustered lady...she must have felt so awkward standing in front of two grown people who were tearing up and about to throw a tantrum. So I didn't take it out on her. We just took it for the unexplainable injustice that it was and tried to wait quietly and patiently for them to figure out what went wrong. And then our good behavior was rewarded when they were able to get us in at 7 am the next morning. I think they could tell that we were not able to handle even 24 more hours!
So for the moment we were forced to settle for a "regular" appointment. We did get to hear the hearbeat again. Cool I guess, except that we already new he had a was the other parts we were interested in! The heartbeat was just a little anticlimactic at that point. No offence, my son, it was still great. Your mom and dad were just a little hard to please on our big day: Take 1.
Which is why I am wearing a different outfit for our big day: take 2. Thankfully our wonderful tech skipped breakfast, I'm sure, to get us in before her shift was even supposed to start. We decided not to test our luck by trying to take a video in the ultrasound room: I've heard that's a no no. So Caleb got this rather flattering picture instead! The screen babe, take a picture of the baby! that's what I meant to say.
We did get lots of great pics of the baby. See below! Our little man listened to the advice that we have been imparting on him for weeks now: Modesty is very important...except for today! He did not disappoint! Good job, Love! We could tell (read: our ultrasound tech could tell) almost immediately that we have a man in here. She also could tell that he had 10 toes and fingers (the split screen photo is of his cute toesies if you can't tell), and all the vital organs appeared to be perfect and cooking right on schedule. He weighs 8 oz!The two at the bottom are my favorite! I love seeing his little profile! Doesn't it look like, from the profile one, that all his facial features are proportional!? He is perfect! The one second-from-the-bottom is of his little face-facing us. Caleb and I have been joking for months about the fields nose. Judging by that face pic, it looks like we might have passed that gene along. Sorry, little one. Who are we kidding, he didn't stand much of a chance: See
pictures of parents above. We may have to teach our child that, although they fit, quarters should never be placed in your nostrils. It's important to start thinking through those valuable lessons.
We have been thinking a lot about names of course and hoping that by the time this day came, we would have firmly established what we will be calling him. I think we have narrowed the field now to 2 possibilites. Caiden Elijah andJosiah David. Those names are not similar in the least so I am hoping one floats to the surface sometime soon. We have really hoped to be able to call him by name and pray for him by name for the rest of this pregnancy, but we may just have to wait until we meet him to be sure.
It was an exciting day and very fun to connect with some of you over the phone. We are so thankful for all of you and can't wait for you all to meet our son! We are even more excited to think about all the ways so many of you will love and support our little man throughout his life! Thanks for joining us in this part of the journey!
Posted by Caleb and Anna Fields at 8:02 PM 6 comments